Modern Warfare Season 2 Trailer Leak and Quick Break Down
It looks like there was a bit of a goof up. An Xbox Live account that is associated with Activision, seemed to have dropped the season 2 trailer a little bit early. And of course, the internet was able to scoop it up real quick before it was taken down. And it’s now starting to spread like wildfire. Season 2 is set to drop on February 11 @ 10AM PT.
Lets break down this leak a little.
Maps coming with Season 2:

Atlas Superstore

New Gunfight Map:

New Ground War map:

Ghost (nuff said)

Is that the UMP 45?

The best SMG Call of Duty has ever had besides the MP5? Relax P90 Stans. The UMP was dope. Toss a silencer on it and have a day.
All and all, it looks like we’re in for a pretty decent season 2. Nothing earth shattering, but it looks good. Rust, the map that we all settled our beefs on, is now back plus we have 3 new maps. A possible return of a SMG favorite, and a new gun? As well as the king, Ghost. Not too shabby for the second season.
I hope Rust doesn’t have a billion doors on it and it’s not too overdone. The beauty in it was the simplicity. If they handle it like Shipment (with exception of the spawning) we should be Gucci and be able to enjoy a solid, old map.
Ghost, welcome back pimpin.