I Step Away For One Week And The Whole Website Crashed
You know me, as the watchful protector of this blog I’ve very rarely missed a beat. Slept with one eye open since 2016, on constant watch for people jacking our shit and praying on our downfall. And finally, I slipped up.
Bob’s taking great care of the podcast, and we’ve got another banger episode up right now with Steve and Tiggy – go listen to that wherever you get your fine podcasts.
That being said, I have ONE KID, start ONE FAMILY, I step away for a SINGLE WEEK, and the website crashes.

This only just came to my attention after my brother shot me a text that he was attempting to read some fine gaming blogs, only to get stonewalled by an error message that something went wrong with WordPress. Apparently, one of our plugins (which I have set to auto-update!!!) was out of date (?????) and, in turn, just broke the whole fucking website. Sick. Awesome. Great. Grand. Wonderful.
So in between diaper changes and bottles, I went ahead and got it fixed. And we’re back. So don’t worry folks, fine quality gaming content will continue to flow just like it always has. Sorry bout it.
Call an ambulance, BUT NOT FOR US!