Dakotaz and DrLupo Help Out Muselk and TheClickCrew to Raise $160k for Australia Wildfires
Just a few days into the new year, Australia has been effected by some of the worst bushfires that the country has ever seen. Which in return has affected the vast majority of the population. There have been tons of efforts around the world raising money to put an end to the fires and help those in need.
Among those raising awareness and money, we have popular YouTuber Muselk and fellow creators in TheClickCrew such as Lazarbeam and Loserfruit. TheClickCrew hosted a 24 hour charity stream with an array of special guests.
With a little help from Dakotaz firing off a $20k donation, and a host from DrLupo, the group managed to raise $160k. While also having a little fun by crushing shoey’s for every $1k raised.
For the uncultured:

Another example of the internet doing some good for the world. It’s not all gifs and cute puppy videos. Some people are making the world a better place (you can argue cute puppy videos make the world a better place too but..). With the right people on board, streamers and content creators can move mountains and this is just another case.
I’m not saying Dakotaz didn’t donate the money out of the kindness of his heart, because he definitely did. But.. With the beef that happened with him and Ninja, and now Ninja being all over the internet for freak outs, and saying dumb things, this is definitely tilting the positivity meter in Dakotaz direction.
1/6/2020 update
$300k hit