Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Finally Announced, Releases in 2021
I’m over here sweating my ass off in a full suit, on my way down I-93. I’m officiating a wedding today, but when Chris texted me that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition was finally announced, I swerved into the next Rest Stop and fire drill swapped into the passenger seat with my wife to punch this up. Some people might use the word “hero” to describe this type of dedication. I won’t, but some might.
Mass Effect is BACK. Not with a sequel, but a remaster of the original trilogy which arrives next year to PC and consoles. This has been heavily speculated and rumored for years now, but three years of disappointing N7 Days (Bioware’s Mass Effect “holiday”) had conditioned me to believe it was never going to happen. But here we are!
This seems to be the series’ only hope for revival, as 2017’s Mass Effect: Andromeda released to pretty pitiful reception. It was later revealed that BioWare yanked tons of project members off of Andromeda to focus on Anthem, which also massively whiffed. Hopefully this remaster drums up enough interest to warrant another full-on effort to release a new sequel. I don’t even care if it follows up on Andromeda, I just want more Mass Effect.
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition arrives in 2021 to PC and consoles.