Someone Has Made A Website That May Cause Divorces Amongst World of Warcraft Spouses
In case you’ve been living under a rock or just don’t play MMO’s, World of Warcraft introduced a new mount to the game’s premium shop this week that costs $90.
And yes, it fucking rocks.
A portion of the WoW community aren’t thrilled about this, however, noting that the most recent expansion has been riddled with bugs and defects, and that Blizzard shouldn’t be inviting players to spend even more money on a game that – they feel – isn’t working right in the first place.
Someone has even resorted to hilariously petty measures to weed out who’s shelled out almost a c-note for the new mount, because now exists and acts as a search feature to exclusively identify characters in World of Warcraft who have the mount in their inventory. If you end up getting divorced over this, I’m so sorry.
But I mean… Come on. Look at this absolute beast. A mobile mailbox, auction house, AND a sick, golden-armored brontosaurus all together in a delightful, ninety-dollar package. Now you might be asking yourself, $90? REALLY? How on earth could this dumb dinosaur be worth that much money?

First of all, settle down – he’s not dumb, he’s beautiful and clearly he knows it. Secondly, it’s worth noting that The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount does have an in-game equivalent, but it typically takes players a long, LONG time to earn.
$90 USD currently roughly equals 6 “WoW Tokens”, which are hybrid real/in-game currency that can be sold for real money or used for game subscription time. Right now, 6 of those tokens would cost around 1,000,000 in-game gold, a total that most players probably would never achieve at one time unless really grinding in-game professions and auctions.
Now, what if I told you the ORIGINAL version of this mount was available to purchase with in-game gold only… But cost FIVE TIMES the amount? That’s right, the original Brutosaur mount that came with Battle For Azeroth about a half-decade ago cost a staggering 5,000,000 gold. So not only is this mount worth the money (if you feel like you really need it), but if anything… It’s a bargain!
So hey, don’t get fuckin divorced over Bruto. At this point, most of us who grew up playing WoW hopefully have a halfway decent career that can afford them the finer things in life… Like this sick ass mailbox auction mount.