The Sims 4 University Expansion Has Leaked.. And It Needs To Be More Realistic
At E3 2019, EA revealed the new expansion to The Sims 4 – called Island Living. In this expansion they added mermaids, jetskis, open water living, and all other magical island shit. Now it looks like we can expect a different spin on things with a university expansion called Discover University. And in this expansion you’ll have new items like mini fridges and bikes while living at university with roommates, going to classes, and picking a career.
According to Reddit user yourneighbortuturu who saw the Xbox listing before it was deleted, the Sims 4 university expansion will feature three new careers. Lawyer, Teacher, and Engineer and you can chose if you want to attend Bright Chester of Foxborough Institute.

Through movies, TV shows, and YouTube videos, college has this completely false representation. According to what you see in these films, college is a ton of school work, long hours in the library, parties with people skinny dipping and kegs everywhere. This is EA’s chance to let the kids know what college is all about. How you aren’t going to do any school work without Adderall in your system, how you don’t even know where the library is, crushing $10 a handle rubbing alcohol at parties because it’s all you can afford, and how these elaborate parties are just a dorm room filled with too many people and the only pool is the pool of throw up on the kitchen floor.
The Sims 4 university expansion will have sims living with roommates, joining school organizations like Robotics, Debate, Art, and “a secret society.” It will also include classes like Bio, Art History, Computer Science, and strangely enough, “Villainy.” Sims’ grades will be impacted based on whether or not they attend class. But when Sims aren’t busy taking classes, they can spend their time engaging in fun activities like “juice” pong.
We need more accurate activities EA! Where is the laying in bed watching 7 hours of Netflix? Where is the trying to figure out how to smoke in your dorm without getting caught? No shop lifting from CVS because you’re broke? Wow, get real. So unrealistic.

I know people who still love The Sims, and get super excited about these expansions. It’s not my cup of tea anymore but they try new things and I can’t know that and I hope for nothing but good things with this expansion. It should be really cool to see a university setting.