Video Games Already Cost $100+, You Morons
Sigh, here we go again.
There is “hope” among some within the video game industry that Grand Theft Auto 6 will be priced between $80 and $100, one analyst has said. In a wide-ranging presentation on the state of gaming in 2025, Epyllion CEO Matthew Ball said Rockstar’s guaranteed mega-hit “could re-establish packed video game prices after decades of deflation despite rampant cost growth.” -GTA 6 Price: Many in the Video Game Industry ‘Hope’ for $80 if Not $100, Analyst Says (IGN)
Alright, look at me right now. Stop what you’re doing, and seriously think hard.
Everyone’s shitting their pants over this report and trying to make it out to be something it isn’t, so I’m here to help you get your head back on straight. I gotta ask: When’s the last time you only paid $60-70 for a AAA video game?
I’m not talking about something you bought and played for a few hours, didn’t like, and then refunded on Steam or let collect dust on your shelf or in your game library. I’m talking about the stuff that sticks to your ribs. Call of Duty, College Football 25, shit – ANY Ubisoft title, ANY sports game. Literally all of the above. The biggest, mainstream-est, most console selling-est AAA experiences on the market today ultimately all are going to ask more than $70 dollars from you, and you more than likely paid it. It’s been DECADES since you’ve had a “complete” game slid across the counter to you for $60 only, and you know it.
Don’t make me tap the sign!

And yes, in the above meme, “THEN” means like, 2006. Now means… Well… Pretty much any time after.
The fact of the matter is, EVERY big game is gonna cost you more than $100 at some point or another if you’re really planning on playing them for hours and hours and hours on end, whether it’s a live service title meant to consistently milk you of money or not. So, yeah, GTA 6 is probably going to cost you $100+. Not at the cash wrap when you check out for the game at GameStop or Best Buy or whatever, but in GTA Cash (I have no idea what the currency for GTA Online is and I’m not looking it up), seasonal content, story DLC, you name it. This isn’t anything new.
Shit, I’ve probably spent over $100 on Halo fucking Infinite at this point. God knows how much I’ve spent on Fortnite skins that I’ve only played with once. And we’re not even getting into the constant barrage of infographics for every new game’s $70 “Standard Edition”, $90 “Premium Edition” and $120 “ULTIMATE EDITION” that has become so nauseatingly commonplace it drives me insane. But it’s okay, because this is the world we live in now. I’m just begging everyone, PLEASE don’t act like this is something new, or that Rockstar is inventing it or “resetting” the gaming market with GTA 6 if they sell a $100 version, cause they ain’t.
We good now? Alright. Exhale, deep breaths. Sorry, talking to myself again.