Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare 2’s ESRB Ratings Hint At Important Details For Both Titles
One for the studio, one for me baby! You already know there’s gonna be a Destiny 2 blog later today, so I wanted to make sure I got up some Modern Warfare 2 talk to get the clicks rolling in on this sleepy Tuesday morning.
The ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board), AKA the company whose rating system is ignored by parents worldwide who simultaneously complain about how video games are corrupting their children, has finally released their ratings for Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare II. There’s usually some pretty solid hints at what we can expect from new titles hidden in their ESRB rating explainer, and these two are no different.
Here’s a look at each ESRB summary, and I’ll do my best to highlight some of the big key points.
Warzone 2.0

- New Modes – “Plunder-style skirmishes/DMZ” is an interesting addition here. “DMZ” is said to be Warzone 2.0’s new mode (or map, depending on who you’re asking), but that’s all we know so far. Based on this summary, it looks like we’ll find out on launch day what exactly DMZ is.
- Weed – “The game contains badges/banners that depict illustrations of marijuana leaves and/or characters smoking joints”. HELL yeah.
- Swears – You can say “fuck” and “shit” in this game? But, what about the children!?
Modern Warfare II

- Weed – “The game contains badges/banners that depict illustrations of marijuana leaves and/or characters smoking joints”. HELL yeah.
- Sex – Weed AND chicks? GOTY!!! Up until the very end of this summary, everything else seemed pretty much par for the course as far as Call of Duty as concerned. Absolutely can’t wait for the inevitable mission where Gaz, Price, and Ghost have to go to Amsterdam.
- Swears – You can say “fuck” and “shit” in this game? WON’T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN???
Alright so obviously we didn’t learn that much from these ratings. We know DMZ is coming, and we know there’s weed emblems and strip clubs in the game or something. That’s about it. For everything else, we’re gonna need to wait until the beta drops (which is just a few days away at this point) to find out more.