Birddogs – The Wicked Good Review
Author’s Note: You might be thinking to yourself – “This is a gaming website. Why are you writing about pants?” – The answer is: It’s our gaming website and we’ll write about whatever we want. I’ve written like three blogs about crab rangoons. Deal with it.
Over the last six months, I’ve been bombarded with targeted ads for Birddogs. Absolutely shelled. I literally couldn’t open Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram without seeing at least one ad for Birddogs daily. Naturally, just like any other average American consumer, I ended up buying some. I figured – if they’re advertising this aggressively, they have to be good, right?

Shorts with Drawers
If you couldn’t already tell by their advertisements, Birddogs are gym shorts with built-in underwear. They also have different products that are made to look like more dressier, khaki shorts (the kind that I purchased), which is something I haven’t seen on the market before.
I actually own a pair of Lululemon’s shorts with built-in drawers (a design that Birddogs proudly advertises that they “stole”), and I really like them. However, their “dressier” looking shorts-with-drawers don’t come in khaki – and I really don’t need a $95 pair of shorts in powder blue seersucker.
Enter Birddogs. They’re stretchy, breathable, and they’ve got underwear in them. They’re also like $30 cheaper than Lululemon shorts. Pretty simple, right? Right. I found a pair I wanted, headed on over to Al Gore’s internet, and got ready to order.

The Online Experience
Let’s cut to the chase, at $65 for a pair of shorts, and $95 for a pair of pants, Birddogs are not a budget clothing line. They definitely aren’t as expensive as their competitors, but they are definitely a premium direct-to-consumer retailer.
My initial ordering process for my Birddogs shorts was not very smooth, at all. I planned on ordering some shorts to wear at a bachelor party that was a few weeks away, and I got a similar message as above, telling me they were sold out and not shipping just yet. “That’s fine.” I figured, and ordered anyway.
Lo and behold, I must’ve missed some magically invisible cutoff date, because I later found out via their social media support where my order was (since I blew past the ship date with no shipping notification from Birddogs) that my shorts had been bumped to the next ship date, three more weeks after I had ordered. Not ideal.
The social media / customer service teams were kind, understanding, and offered me a $10 coupon towards my next pair of Birddogs, but I was still pretty salty about my initial experience with the brand. Luckily – Birddogs’ shorts proved to be absolutely worth the wait.

The Fit
Birddogs shorts feel great, I’ll just cut to the chase. They stretch like the image above, and are cut pretty nicely. The shorts I ordered were an XL (I’m usually a 34-36″ waist, depending on the day) and got their 7″ inseam, so they sat an inch and a half or so above my knee. I found them to look pretty stylish (my wife agreed), and versatile in more dressy or casual settings.
The liner (probably the most important part here) was more loose than I was expecting, but actually felt pretty nice. Kind of like an older pair of worn/stretched out boxer briefs. It made me feel like everything was “secure” without being constrained, and was pretty freeing without me feeling naked. I didn’t feel like I was going commando, but didn’t feel like I was being put in a straightjacket either.
This is a far cry from Lululemon’s shorts, which feature extremely tight compression-like liners that can get uncomfortable when it’s hot out. You can imagine how having your boys squished and roasted at once is not an ideal feeling. Birddogs have a pretty solid lock on their liner game.

Durability + Care
One of the biggest problems I have with lined shorts, is that they reek after like one or two wears. I have two pairs of running shorts that I wash like every other time I run in them, but my Lulu shorts have a liner that is so tight that it pretty much can’t help but stink after a single wear.
Birddogs’ more “relaxed” liner does them a huge favor here, because the liner isn’t jamming itself directly into your nether regions every time you wear them. I actually wore my Birddogs’ shorts on three days of this bachelor party I was on (because, y’know, for research…) and found that they were still pretty odorless after being sweat in and having beer splattered all over them all weekend.
When it came time to wash my Birddogs, I was a little lost on how to go about doing so. The website wasn’t much help (see the image above), so I said fuck it and just threw them in the wash with my other workout shorts. Stains came out pretty miraculously thanks to the help of some Zout (my shorts were covered in beer, ketchup, grass stains, and probably some other shit after the long weekend), and I was really pleasantly surprised by that.
I’ve washed my Birddogs a half a dozen times by now, and they still look (and smell) just as new as the day I got them.

Shorts vs. Pants
Having enjoyed my shorts so much for about a month, I just ordered a pair of Birddogs pants the other day. Right away, I thought tell my experience was going to be different – namely because the pants began shipping out same-day. This joy was not to last, however, as I received my pants the following Tuesday morning, only to realize that had shipped me a linerless pair instead of their hallmark lined pair that I ordered.
I did try the pants on anyway, however, and I gotta say – they are very comfortable. I wear a 36/30, and the cut of the pants was very modern and slim-fit, just the way I like them. They’re super versatile, and looked great when I tried them on with a button-down shirt/dress shoe combo that I’d wear to my office, a polo and golf shoes, and then just a regular t-shirt and sneakers. Everything felt and looked great, and the pants were just as breathable and flexible as the shorts.
As of the publishing of this review, I am waiting for Birddogs’ support team to get back to me about shipping me the correct pair of pants.
The Verdict
Overall, shipping hiccups aside, Birddogs are a pretty great product. Their material is durable and breathable, the product design is modern and stylish, and overall I still can’t believe how well they wash and dry.
Birddogs’ advertising might lead you to believe that their customer service is run by obnoxious frat bros who could give a shit less if you don’t like your shorts, but the customer service teams I worked with were very kind and responsive.
Birddogs are not a cheap product, but you definitely get what you pay for. They’re durable, comfortable, and I fully plan on ordering a third pair for next summer once that time of year rolls around. If you order them far enough in advance, there’s really no other downside to the product.
The Good – Birddogs shorts and pants are versatile, durable, comfortable products that are well worth your money.
The Bad – The guys at Birddogs have some glaring logistics and shipping issues that need figuring out. Also, while I’m sure the marketing guys think it’s hilarious, maybe make the FAQs on the website more informative and less snarky.
The Verdict – 4/5.
Just found your review about Bird Dogs. I’m coming to you for all advice from now on. The only thing that sucks is you may never see this comment cause it’ll probably be buried down low.
I’m a writer. Love your writing voice. Thanks for the help!