Game Pink: Gaming For NCBF
The NCBF (National Breast Cancer Foundation) has been helping women with access to education, screening, as well as providing the support they need for the past 30 years. With COVID-19 posing challenges throughout the past year, October is an important month to rise together and continue to support breast cancer awareness as well as prevention.

Game Pink is a month long event where us as gamers can rise together and show our support for Breast Cancer Awareness.
For the entire month of October, over a handful of streamers will be scheduled to go live and raise donations and awareness. You can find the full stream schedule on the NCBF website HERE.
If you’re interested in finding out how you yourself can help, visit the NCBF page HERE to find out how you can utilize Tiltify or StreamLabs to set up direct donations for the event. Not only is your support appreciated, but the National Breast Cancer Foundation is also offering rewards for donation milestones!

Be sure to check out the National Breast Cancer Foundation Twitter to stay updated with streams and other news. I hope to see our awesome community and others rise together and support those effected.