Paizo Just Announced Pathfinder 2nd Edition And A Public Playtest
Well, this is a neat surprise (for me at least). The good folks over at Paizo have officially announced a public playtest for the upcoming 2nd edition of their wildly popular tabletop RPG – Pathfinder. Check out the video below and get hype with your boy one time.
Among a million other things listed in their blog post, Paizo promises lots of cool new shit that’ll be added in Pathfinder’s 2nd Edition (or, uh, D&D 3.75E: 2E for those keeping score at home). We’re looking at 10th-level spells, 4 spell lists, and a clean, modular, information-based design that’s optimized for all levels of play.
I’m stoked for this, because if anyone knows me they know Pathfinder was my first foray into tabletop roleplaying games, and I’ve been meeting with the same pals every week for a few years ever since (thanks, Joe). Recently, I’ve taken more of a shine to Fantasy Flight’s Star Wars Roleplaying system and D&D 5th Edition because of how streamlined and simplified they are, so I’m looking forward to seeing how Pathfinder 2E maintains the classic feel of every math nerd’s favorite roleplaying game while making it just as accessible and interesting for newcomers.
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