100T Limit? World’s Best MMO Raiding Guild Parts Ways With Complexity
In a shocking (to me at least, give me a break) announcement posted to their Twitter just minutes ago, Limit – the best MMO raiding guild in the world – has parted ways with longtime partner org Complexity. Full announcement video below.
Complexity has issued their own fond farewells as well.
Limit has seen some incredible successes and milestones with Complexity, going back-to-back as Raid World First champions in World of Warcraft’s Ny’alotha and Castle Nathria raids. Very few guilds could even dream of World Firsting a raid once, and you can count on one hand how many have done it twice. Not only can Limit claim that accomplishment, but to do it in back to back raids put them on the map as one of the premier and most-watched raiding guilds in the world.
What’s Next?
So what’s next for Limit? Friend of the Program Hoody (@hoody41) pointed out to me that Limit’s tank (@LimitScott) has been on an absolute tear following brand managers and partnership people from 100 Thieves (not to mention Nadeshot and CouRage), so perhaps a deal is on the horizon. I went to double check, and Maximum (Limit’s guild leader and raid leader) has done the same.
I haven’t seen much MMO content from 100 Thieves thus far, so perhaps Limit is about to come on board and fill that gap. 100 Thieves is the only NA-based org that makes sense to the WGG Braintrust at this time, but we’ll be sure to get you more info as this develops. For now, enjoy this absolutely electrifying video of the GOATs themselves hitting Raid World First on Mythic Sire Denathrius (the 11 minute mark gives me the chills).
Wherever you’ll call home next, Limit, we’ll always love ya. Best of luck, boys.