I’m Already 200% Convinced “Starlink” Is Going To Bankrupt Me
Ubisoft Toronto unveiled a brand new IP – Starlink: Battle for Atlas – yesterday at Ubi’s E3 presser. The newest ‘toys-to-life’ game is similar to Disney Infinity, Skylanders, and Lego Dimensions before it – in that your experience in the game will vary greatly based upon how many adorable, colorful little ship-shaped toys you buy for it. Thankfully though, Starlink’s devs have already confirmed that the mods to your ship can be purchased digitally, so those of us whose significant others forbid hundreds of tiny plastic ship parts floating around the house can still get the full experience of Starlink too.
Just like other toys-to-life games, Starlink revolves around a physical, modular ship that sits on an NFC ‘portal’ that is flanked on either side by your Nintendo Switch Joy Con. Connecting a new turret, hull, or other modification to your tiny little ship will make the mods usable in the game on your TV, showcased in the press conference as changes the player can make on-the-fly. Need a heavy laser turret to take down a particularly beefy enemy in the heat of the moment? Slap it on there. Need a more sleek hull to dart through a troublesome asteroid cluster? Make it so. I don’t know about you, but my wallet hurts already.
Ubisoft Toronto producer Matt Rose is touting Starlink as the “next generation” of toys-to-life video games, and based on the slick trailer we got to see yesterday, I’m 100% on-board to support him. Anybody who knows Papa Dom knows he’s a customization junkie, and Starlink looks exactly like the fix I need. Plus, who doesn’t love a good space shooter? Seriously, point me out to them so I can fistfight them.
Starlink promises players the ability to travel seamlessly through the exotic alien worlds of the Atlas Star System, each with its own identity, ecosystem and wildlife. The subtext of the trailer on YouTube also states that the world “evolves” depending on your actions and your choices… So needless to say, Starlink is an insanely ambitious game in every way imaginable. I’m sure we’ll see more on Starlink soon, and Ubi Toronto says the full game is slated for a Fall 2018 release.
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