Don’t Let A Bad Review Stop You From Playing A Good Game!
Not convinced yet that you shouldn’t put 100% stock into reviews? Then I can guess what you may be thinking, “Jay, $60 is a lot of money so I need to know if I will like a game before buying. Anyways, I don’t read steam reviews, you moron, I watch very notable YouTuber with big followings so surely their negative review is something I should take into consideration”?
While I do agree that Youtubers tend to have a more in-depth review process, and if you are anything like me you kill for a well-constructed YouTube review, it is still only their opinion and often it’s a rushed opinion at that in order to get first clicks to their video. It is also these same videos where I see disclaimers before hand saying something along the lines of “if you are already enjoying this game then this video isn’t meant to insult you, this is just my perspective on it.” Strange they need to note that, no? Or maybe they are educated people, like you and I, who realize you may not take away with the same outlook they did. Next comes the script of a dozen things they like and the few things they didn’t which of course will be the focus of their video, all that never sounds to convincing to me. Finally keep in mind that in reviews that games tend to get generalized. They are rating them in relation to other games, but is it really right to rate a looter shooter on the same scale as a JRPG? Or a horror survival game to an open world adventure one? I think you know the answer and hopefully you are starting to see my point.
Trust your gut! You know what games you enjoy, don’t second guess that because of a negative review. I surely wouldn’t let a person’s negative review on Kingdom Hearts because of cheesy story affect me. The cheesy story is the whole reason I love that franchise. If shooters are the games you enjoy the most but the next one you were looking forward to is not rating so well this doesn’t mean you won’t have an absolute blast playing. It may just mean that it’s no Ocarina of Time but that’s something you will find out on your own.
All this doesn’t mean I look at every game as having positives, I don’t, there are plenty of games I hate but I just decide that on my own. Teach yourself to realize a 7 out of 10 or a 6 out of 10 review doesn’t classify a game as “never touch”. For example here is a short list of those “7 out of 10 or 6 out of 10” games just in the last year that I played with much enjoyment and fond memory:
- Disgaea 1 Complete (Switch)
- Pokemon lets go (Switch)
- Vampyr (PC)
- Darksiders III (PC)
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance (XONE)
Don’t let a bad review stop you from playing a good game! Watch/read reviews for entertainment and to learn from another perspective but in the end make up your own mind. You will be all the better gamer for it and you may find that hidden gem!