
Head Into The Weekend With The “THIS IS YO ASS PLAYA” GoldenEye Uncle

I first blogged this like five years ago at this point, but fuck it – this is an all-time classic and deserves to be revisited time and time again.

I still to this day don’t know if this was a skit or a genuine reaction, but I think it’s perfectly reasonable to consider it a little of both.

We’ve all been there. Your younger friend or relative is acting up and you gotta show em what’s what. My nephew’s gonna be 10 this year and keeps talking about hitting clips in Fortnite. Talking about how old people aren’t as good at the game.

Buddy. You gonna learn today. I’m immediately telling my wife to break out Lucille (get my Xbox controller and fire up the Master Chief Collection).

Everyone knows I’m the first person to remind folks that GoldenEye 64 aged like absolute milk, and it did. The controls and visuals are terrible and, in 2025, it just isn’t fun to play anymore. But there’s still nostalgia there and moments like this need to be remembered and preserved for all time.

Have a great weekend, folks.

Papa Dom

Co-founder, lead blogger, graphic designer, and manager of WGG's writing team - Dom has been writing about video games for over ten years. Dom's work has been featured on some of the world's biggest gaming news outlets - including Dexerto, GameInformer, and IGN.

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