Mad Bells (Week Ending 4/4): Offshore Accounts
Welcome back to Mad Bells boys and girls. The world’s gotten no less crazy, but we here at WGG Global Investments HQ are diversifying our Turnip portfolios, growing those money trees, and working tirelessly to make you some money during these uncertain times. Just like last week, myself and Chris P. – WGG’s expert Stalk Market analysts – have plenty of insights to go around this time.
Bunny Day Got You Laying Eggs?
We already know Bunny Day is pissing some people off. Nintendo even went as far as to nerf the drop rates for the myriad eggs floating around, washing up, and falling out of trees in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, because Tom knows you can’t pay off a house with food-colored eggs.
Unless you’re really a huge fan of pastels, you probably were like us this week – focused on that Turnip grind. Bunny Day ends on April 12th, however, so if you are interested in more prizes from that crook Zipper T. Bunny, make sure you log in on that day to see him and claim your rewards.

Dom – Rangoon Island
HUGE week this week folks. While I took a loss last week, I was much more diligent about my bookkeeping, and it really did pay off. Here’s how the Stalk Market week panned out for me:

You might be asking yourself – Dom, how did you manage to sell your Turnips for 534 apiece when your island was buying them for only 120? Two words, friend – offshore accounts. That’s right. Animal Crossing: New Horizons has the beautiful capabilities to take a quick Dodo Airlines flight over to a friend’s (or stranger’s) island, which opens up a world of possibilities when it comes to the Turnip trade.
How, you might ask, can you get involved in a scheme like this? Easy. First, make sure you have a Nintendo Online subscription active (you can get a free trial just for buying ACNH), then head over to Twitter and search for the keyword “turnip dodo”. Twitter will pull up tons of results of people tweeting about their available prices paired with (sometimes) a Dodo Code to visit their island. It takes some doing (it took me about two hours to find a working one), but if you manage to find yourself on an island boasting 5x the purchase price for Turnips (like I did), then the juice is absolutely worth the squeeze.
I ended up making out like a bandit this week, coming away with more than enough Bells to pay off my third loan to my house, and I’m buying in with over 150,000 Bells this week to try and duplicate my efforts. How’d you do, Chris?
Chris – Pen Island
What’s that Chris? You didn’t buy any Turnips this past week? Not even one? Wow.

In Closing
Load up your suitcases and duffelbags full of all the Bells you’ve got, and look into some offshore accounts. It’s hard work, but its a great way to beef up your bank account before that Raccoon swindler knows what hit him.
Oh, and remember that Daisy Mae LEAVES your island at 12 noon local time every Sunday. Don’t be like Chris and forget to buy Turnips. The Stalk Market waits for no man, woman, or raccoon.
Have any big losses or huge wins this week in the Stalk Market? Let us know on Twitter at @WickedGoodGames.