Nature is Healing: Acer Returns to PAX East 2022 for 6th Annual Acer Predator After Party
We’ve been absolutely starving for PAX East 2022 news over here at Wicked Good Gaming Global HQ, and finally over the last week – we’ve seen press emails begin to roll along. One question stuck out in my mind, however… Will Acer throw it’s annual afterparty? They’ve been doing it for the last half decade (not counting last year), and at this point the Acer party is as much a part of PAX East as $15 bottles of water, long lines, and Westin lobby day drinking.
This week, lo and behold, we received confirmation that Acer is indeed returning in a big way this year (along with event co-sponsors Intel and Fandom) for their sixth annual Acer Predator afterparty.
NEW YORK, NY – April 12, 2022 – Today, Acer, a global leader in computer gaming hardware, announced they’ll be hosting the sixth annual Predator Gaming After Party with partners Fandom and Intel®. It’s being held during PAX East 2022 and is one of the industry’s biggest annual events in Boston. ROYALE BOSTON, Boston’s premiere nightlife destination, is the venue for the event being held from 8pm – 1am ET on Saturday April 23, 2022.
PRESS RELEASE: Acer, Fandom and Intel to Host 6th Predator After Party during PAX East 2022

Nature truly is healing. I nearly wept when I received this email.
Acer boasts that in addition to the celebrities and gaming enthusiasts in attendance, Acer will once again be hosting a “Play with the Pros” competition, which was absolutely ELECTRIFYING at 2019’s event when a team of amateurs took down a pro esports org in a game of Rocket League. The place came absolutely unglued, and it was unreal to be in attendance.
We’ll absolutely be there, and hope to see you there too. To attend, you must RSVP ahead of time, and you can do so here using this link.