Under the Hood of Adam “Assault” Garcia, the Newest Los Angeles Guerrilla

The time has finally come. Adam “Assault” Garcia, King of the heady, Master of the AR, Lord of the 3-lanes, MVP of the last 4v4 boots CoD title Championship, and some(myself) might call a close personal friend, has been announced to a new home for the 2021 Call of Duty League.
Assault, as well as longtime duo Justin “Silly” Fargo-Palmer, are heading to La La Land, Los Angeles to play under the Guerrillas brand, after both finishing up the previous year with the Minnesota RØKKR. Along with Silly, Adam will also be reuniting with Bryan “Apathy” Zhelyazkov with whom he won the last 4v4 boots CoD WW2 Championship mentioned above. To round out the roster is Reece “Vivid” Drost, a talented rookie who splashed into the CDL(Call of Duty League) halfway last season to provide some much needed slaying ability to the former Guerrillas squad. I was fortunate enough to connect with Adam & get some of his thoughts on the team, new game, and everything in between for the upcoming new year.
So Adam, from Minny to La La Land…how’s the transition? Are you & the team going to be living there to compete?
Yeah, the transition wasn’t too stressful. Moving’s always a pain; but yes, the team will be living in LA.
Roster talk: did everything fall into place with this one?
When the Modern Warfare season ended, Justin(Silly) & I had our eyes set on coming here. Not sure if Mercury’s in retrograde, but the stars aligned, and we couldn’t have hoped for a better group of guys to be working with.
Now you’ve played the Cold War Beta a bit, what’re your initial thoughts?
Yeah, so it was pretty similar to the Alpha. We’ll have to see if they make any big changes in week 2. The #1 priority that needs fixed/adjusted is the sliding mechanic.
On talks of a possible CDL Bubble next season, would you go?
Yes, obviously I would go to the bubble if it was needed. I think I’m with the majority that doesn’t want to be a bubble for an extended period of time though. Quarantining in a bubble before a couple big events would be no sweat though.
Getting personal: how excited are you for the newest Big Bootie Mix, Volume 18 releasing Oct. 17?
Oh my, I didn’t even realize a new one was coming out so soon! Thanks for the reminder cause I am HYPED!
Last question, before I take too much of your time…MJ or LeBron?
It’s so hard being from Chicago to answer this, but with this title, LeBron definitely deserves to be in the same conversation. They are/were both so dominant in their own ways. It’s difficult, & a little unfair to compare them when they played in different eras with different rules/styles. Let’s just say they’re both goats & call it a day.
Big shout out to Adam Garcia for taking the time to chat with me today. Adam will be taking the battlefield in the upcoming Call of Duty season with his fellow Guerrillas in early 2021 presumably. Until that starts up, you can find him live in his spare time at https://twitch.tv/adamassault_. His other socials will be posted below. Enemy players beware. It’s his year.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Assault
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adamassault
Twitch(again): https://twitch.tv/adamassault_