Valorant Winterwunderland Skins Drop TODAY
If you know anything about me I am almost willing to bet you know I am an avid skin collector in just about every game I’ve played. A dozen or so legacy skins in League of Legends, several case opening videos for CSGO, and more recently the unique skin collections of Valorant. Just as with every game, some of the collections can be hit or miss. The most recent Winterwunderland collection for Valorant however, is one of the most unique sets I have ever seen.
for CSGO, and more recently the unique skin collections of Valorant. Just as with every game, some of the collections can be hit or miss. The most recent Winterwunderland collection for Valorant however, is one of the most unique sets I have ever seen.

We are treated to a small winter town celebrating some joyous seasonal cheer at the base of a mountain, which I can only presume to be somewhere near IceBox. Similar to the Nebula collection the Winterwunderland skins react to the movement of the gun. Not only that, but the actual scene in the town changes when you are in and out of shadows within game. In shadows, the scene within the skin itself changes to night time which is honestly one of the most incredible and unique touches I have ever seen in any skin. I have my fingers crossed that there may be some Easter Egg on Christmas where Santa flies over the town, but we shall see.

The Winterwunderland collection will be include the Vandal, Phantom, Ghost, Marshal, and the melee is a candy cane…incredible. This collection should be live right now for a total of 5,100VP. I may be investing in the Vandal because I am holding out for the Buzz LightYear Phantom coming soon.