$3 Million Apex Legends Global Series. Apex Trying to Get Players Back?
Apex Legends has announced that they will be holding the Apex Legends Global Series. This series will consist of 12 live events, and the ability for players to make their way into the Major event through open registration and challenger events.

I can’t help but think it’s just a little too late for Apex. When it comes to players jumping back into Apex ONLY for this tournament, I think that is 100% going to be the case. Free prize pool earnings for a game that’s been on a steady decline? Anyone in their right mind would see potential and jump back into this just to see. Twitch streamers and old pros will most definitely come back and play this event just like they do with Twitch Rivals and Code Red. But it still makes me think this won’t be enough to breathe life back into Apex. First the third-person rumors, and now this. At least you can say they’re trying.
Why now? Why not when the game had buzz? You wouldn’t even have to throw that much of a prize pool in. You could have cut this prize pool by a tenth and offered a $300k tournament to test the waters. Now throwing a $3M prize pool seems like a final grasp at the player base that once existed. All Respawn can hope for is all big time streamers to come back for this series, which will put it in front of their viewers, and hope that these viewers and players stick around until the next one.
Can’t wait for my man Dizzy to make his come back and win this thing though.