
C9 Perkz Catches a 6.4 Magnitude (AKA a Giant) Earthquake on Stream

Today, Croatia was hit with a 6.4 magnitude earthquake – that from my understanding, is the biggest earthquake they have ever gotten. It was caught on stream by Perkz while he was playing League of Legends. Shortly after this clip, Perkz ended the stream to go check in on friends and family.

While it doesn’t look like anything too crazy on the video, this earthquake was no joke. There are tons of buildings that were destroyed, and people injured.

Perkz took to Twitter to let people know that he and his family are ok.

Thoughts and prayers go out to Croatia man. I can’t even imagine how crazy of a feeling an earthquake is.

Chris P.

Drinker of booze, writer of blogs, tweeter of tweets, puncher of desks.

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