Wait a Minute, is Summit1g Really Considering Moving to Mixer?
Back in January, Summit said on stream
“Right now, probably one of the biggest moments of my life is happening somewhat soon so, little nervous about everything,” he said. “Good times to be had boys, don’t worry, just trust me like you always have and everything is going to be alright.”
And then continued on that Twitch turned into a scary world and a place of stress.
Well, probably like a lot of you, I forgot about this. Big announcements and moves came out in the meantime and it slipped my mind. Until yesterday where Summit was asked about his thoughts on Mixer..
“Listen, I’m obviously not going to be talking about my decisions until they get officially announced, but yeah, I think for the time being we just leave it at that. I think you’re catching me at an awkward time for that question. Hit me up in a couple of weeks or like a month with the same question, and I’ll give you an answer.”
Woah, ok. Well now I’m thinking of this again. And I think I might have cracked the code. Summit was and is definitely considering the move to another platform, and probably had negotiations in place, hell he probably still does. But take a look at these stats first.

Want to know why this is an awkward time for Summit to answer that question? Because his numbers are fucking exploding. He just hit his all time peak concurrent viewership of 310,998, 14 days ago. And the growth that he’s had because of Valorant is bananas. Blame the bots, but over a quarter of a million concurrent viewers is no small feat.
And this isn’t me saying he didn’t pull big numbers before hand, I’m just saying recently he is producing some wild stats. And the reason for “ask me in a month”? I got that for you too. He wants to see if these numbers continue when the hype around Valorant inevitably dies down. Because he is probably making some solid coin right now on all fronts.
This will be a giant loss for Twitch. Throw the bag at Summit to keep him, you kinda have to.