Legends of the Hidden Temple VR Game
I’ll level with you all, I’ve been known to have brilliant ideas when it comes to unique videogames. I pitched the idea of a new The Thing game (that WhatCulture jacked for free, you’re welcome). We can all agree a TellTale style horror game centered around the isolation and terror of the The Thing would be fantastic. Guess what, I got another one for you today. A Legends of the Hidden Temple Virtual Reality game. Now before you say, “but Bob we haven’t seen anything from old school Nickelodeon in over a decade”, shut up. We are collectively willing this revival into existence and it starts with a Legends of the Hidden Temple VR game. Also, apparently Quibi is trying to reboot the gameshow….how about we just stick with my idea.

Just take a look at what has been dominating the gaming landscape all of 2020. Multiplayer party games with an emphasis on the multiplayer portion. Last year we saw a big uptick on streamers playing games like Pummel Party and this year Fall Guys, Among Us and even now Phasmophobia (not a party game but you get the idea) have completely taken over Twitch. We are already seeing the VR integration with Phasmophobia, so let’s take it one whole step further by making a 12 player experience for all 6 teams, dibs on the Blue Barracudas. The entire design of Legends of the Hidden Temple is basically already set for VR accessibility. If you can honestly look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t want to be a contestant on this game show, I’ll call you a filthy fucking liar to your face and you’ll lose all of my respect. Every single kid growing up in the 90s was in awe at Olmec and fueled by the drive to someday make it to that Temple Run. What have you Nickelodeon? You wanna make a few billion dollars? Nostalgia sells and I think we can all make some money off of this little venture.