TINFOIL HAT BLOG: Take-Two’s SEC Filing Might Hint At GTA VI’s Release Date
Fuck it, three blogs on a Tuesday.
I fucking LOVE talking about Rockstar release dates. Why? Because its literally impossible to not sound like a conspiracy wackjob anytime they come up. Between Rockstar’s “R*” logo color changes, literally any time they post a tweet on any account, any time they file a patent – there’s a release date blog. RDR2 was like this, and now GTA 6 is next in line. So strap up those tinfoil hats nice and tight, boys and girls. We’re going the fuck in.
According to those maniacs at VentureBeat, Rockstar parent company Take-Two is forecasting an $89 million marketing budget spanning March of 2023 and 2024. This is more than DOUBLE their marketing budget for any other fiscal year over the next five years, according to their most recent 10-K SEC filing. Hohoho! But why all the cash flow, Rockstar? Are you planning to… Dare I say it… Market something? Something big perhaps?
This is not Take-Two’s first 10-K filing, as they apparently report these each fiscal year. However, in its previous filing, Take-Two reported a spike for FY 2023… Now they’ve reported a shift between 2023 and 2024.

Analysts have speculated that these metrics also predicted the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 accurately, but that Rockstar’s execution and profit regarding live services has been too good to prompt any rush with releasing an all-new title to divide their player base, so who really knows. I was once told by a trusted industry source that Rockstar doesn’t really need much to keep their train rolling. They know how to make (and eat) their own candy, and don’t need to tell us shit to ensure the next GTA title is gonna sell like hotcakes. This is why I’m sitting here on a Tuesday afternoon examining SEC filings and bar graphs.
Sure, all of this is fine and dandy, but my big question here is… What kind of timing is this? GTA III to GTA IV was seven years. GTA IV to GTA V was five. But a whole decade for a main series sequel seems like a pretty outrageous gap.
My guess? This budget is for something completely different.
Looking at you, Bully 2.