Resident Evil 4 Remake is Actually Happening
Everyone is stuck home in isolation so you SHOULD be good little gamers and working through your backlog. Unlike myself who is too balls deep in the Valorant beta, but I digress. I was able to finally finish the Resident Evil 2 HD Remake this past week in isolation, in between CS:GO and Valorant, but now Resident Evil 3 HD Remake is on the cards. For those unaware, Capcom has been on a fucking tear recently with just about every release dating back to Monster Hunter World in January of 2018. Every game they have released from then to now has hit the mark. Capcom simply can’t miss right now and it seems like Resident Evil 4 is up next.

There has been a ton of news around more Capcom remakes with much of the speculation being around a Dino Crisis reboot or even a Code Veronica Remake. With Resident Evil 8 already confirmed in the works, we were left to further speculate what remake could be coming next in the brutally gorgeous RE Engine. Capcom polled a survey recently to gauge where the fan base stood with more remakes and it inevitably came down to Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica. It turns out that Resident Evil 4 Remake is already in development and is scheduled to be released in 2022 following the release of Resident Evil 8 in 2021.

Resident Evil 4 is commonly regarded as one of, if not the best game in the franchise with a lot of the fan base being split on whether or not it actually NEEDS to be remade. Resident Evil 2 and 3 were due for upgrades from their dated PS1 polygonal graphics, locked camera angles, and tough for some to navigate, tank controls. That being said, Resident Evil 4 was the first step into the more horror action oriented gameplay with an over the shoulder camera perspective and a much improved aiming and shoot mechanic. On top of all that, 4 has been ported a dozen times and is still easily accessible to this day.

I still don’t know where I stand on this. Resident Evil 4 was my first real foray into Horror games and it solidified itself as one of the greatest games of all time in execution. It blends a perfect balance of survival horror and action into the Mount Rushmore of gaming history. Some fans will be upset claiming it is too early to remake, but I am all for having wider audience appeal for franchises I adore.